Focus HR Webinar
3 Employment Law Updates
May 31// 11:00am CST
The Department of Labor and the FTC have announced 3 new rules to follow in your business.
6 Factor test for determine Independent Contractor or Employee (effective 3.11.2024) • Raise in the minimum Salary for Exempt Employees (effective 7.1.2024) • Ban of Non-Compete Agreements (effective 9.4.2024)
We will review what you need to do now and how to prepare for future changes.
Walk away with a plan to remain compliant.
6 Factor Test
The Department of Labor has established a 6 factor test to determine if a person is an Independent Contractor or an Employee.
exempt status
The minimum salary for exempt status has been updated.
Ban of non-competes
FTC has banned non-competes. How can you protect your business?
This Webinar is for you if:
You're a CEO or small business owner
You're unsure about legal compliance and best practices.
You would like direction on how to navigate these challenges
Andrea Herran, CEO & Founder
Andrea is the founder and CEO of Focus HR. A firm specializing in providing HR support to companies with less than 100 employees. Andrea has over 30 years of experience in HR handling a variety of employee situations. She will share her insight and proven strategies.
Don't miss this one hour webinar.